Sunday, May 11, 2008

The one...

The one who made me all I was meant to be
The one who saw more in me than I could ever see

The one who gave me wings to fly, courage to fight the sky
The one who took my tears, gave me smiles and never let me cry

The one who walked with me, when I was alone in a crowd
The one who whispered to me, when silence seemed loud

The one who helped me rise higher, every time they pulled me down to the ground
The one who made me do it right each time around

The one I love more than I ever would
The one I trust more than I ever could

You are the one and will always be...

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Here I stand living his afterlife...

He took the bullet while I was still alive
He lived my death so I could thrive,
Still awake I saw happiness and sorrow jive
They were far too late but they did arrive,
She loved him, she cried, she prayed but he could not revive
He plunged into oblivion and it was his deepest dive

When the one who made them all smile died nobody cried,
As he lived his death alone, there was no one to moan
For years he conquered their fears and wiped off their tears
But when he trembled and fell down, nobody dared, nobody cared
As he lied there alone smiling through his last
They had already forgotten him and their past
For all he left were smiles, no trace of tears for miles
Here I stand leading his afterlife...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

As we walk that pretty aisle...

As we walk that pretty aisle...
I promise, I will never let go, that beautiful smile...

There will be times good and at times bad too...
But I am going to be there for you...
No matter what life puts us through...
There is nothing that I wouldn't do...
Forever and ever, I would stand by you...

As we walk that pretty aisle...
I promise, I will never let go, that beautiful smile...

Through the years, as we walk by...
I would leave no stone unturned and try...
To ward off things, that could ever make you cry...

For all those moments of bliss...
I would make sure, we are together and never miss

I don't know who you are or who you'll be...
But I will be me, thats all I see...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

They need us...

Smile them through their sorrows
They need us,
Fight away their unrelenting fears
They need us,
See through those silent tears
They need us,
Let not the hatred prevail
They need us,
Stand by them in their strife,
They need us,
Bring back their long lost faith,hopes and desire
They need us,
Brighten their souls in their world so gray
They need us,
Love them for what they are, not for what we want them to be
They need us,
Bestow them with the freedom to love
They need us,
They would live for if we pray
They need us,
Hold them tight in a world of immense despair
They need us,
Let not those forlorn memories and trampled years crush them
They need us,

Even now what holds us back?
They need us,

Even now why this deafening silence?
They need us,

They need us.

Friday, May 04, 2007

I wished that you did too...

I first thought of me and you
I wished that you did too,

I smiled, just thinkin of you
I wished that you did too,

I never went up to you to say i do
I loved you and I thought you knew,

I was told, maybe I should just forget about you
I tried, tried to find another you,

I attempted to move on, just had to
I failed willfully, made childish mistakes too,

I still wanted to stand by you, so I befriended you
I thought things would change, would be all new,

I was wrong again, but this time even hurt too
I was apprised, but not surprised, that now you are in love too,
I just wish, you love him the way I love you

I know my love for you seems so undue
But don't ever say it ain't true.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Here I stand....

Here I stand all alone for countless reasons
Here I stand without no being for endless seasons,

Here I stand smiling in all my sorrow
Here I stand waiting for a happier tomorrow,

Here I stand with no "inspiration" to ape
Here I stand without a vision to gape,

Here I stand loving her but all in vain
Here I stand unruffled by this draining pain,

Here I stand in disbelief thinking all this cant be true
Here I stand lost in thoughts so up in the air unlike the drops of dew,

Here I stand brutally wounded yet tightly wound
Here I stand all alone for countless reasons.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Alone with nothing to say
Alone with no one to stay,
Alone when this world seemed so gray
Alone I was silent to her dismay,
Alone I lost touch and drifted away
Alone I could not stop him from going, he was already halfway
Alone each moment I used to pray,
Alone I fought all the way
Alone I walked that path and I could not stray,
Alone I embraced sorrow without no delay
Alone I walked as the soul surviver of my doomsday,

Alone I had to be, cause they were so faraway.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Loved the stranger she was once
Loved that cute little smile of hers,
Loved the day we first met,

Loved those beautiful angelic eyes
Loved that childish innocence she had,

Loved talking to her, inventing a million excuses
Loved the way she imitated me,
Loved the names we gave each other

Loved to watch her smile or just pass by,
Loved the "smlle n stare" she once gave me
Loved the day she first held my hand, and the memorable touch,

Love these reminiscences which shall never fade
Love the little friendship we still share,

Love the message she scribbled for me
Love the smiles she still brings on me,
Love the tears which I used to fear

Loved her with all my heart
Had I had a million hearts,
Would give her all without no fears,
As long as this love so pure my soul bears.